Balance/Fall Prevention Programs

Balance/Fall Prevention Programs

Don’t let a fear of falling keep you from being active.

The good news is that there clinically proven ways to prevent most falls and we can help.

A collaborative effort between your doctor and our physical therapy team can make a difference.

It Starts with a Thorough Evaluation

Physical therapy starts with a thorough evaluation of your health & fall risk factors. We will then set up on on a personalized prevention program to address the findings we identify during your initial visit.

Evaluation and Treatment May Involve One or More of the Following:

  • Strength testing
  • Flexibility testing
  • Walking (gait) patterns
  • Your health history
  • Sight and hearing screenings
  • Blood pressure
  • Assistive/adaptive device use & education
  • Footwear recommendations
  • Review of your medications & side effects along with your physician
  • Strength training
  • Balance training
  • Flexibility exercises
  • Visual exercises
  • Functional exercises
  • Weight-bearing exercises
  • Sleep hygiene
  • Risk reduction/modification education
  • A personalized home program

Everyone is different so treatment programs will vary. The best thing you can do is contact our office and schedule an initial evaluation for balance treatment & our fall prevention program. In most cases, insurance will cover it.

Experience What Truly
Personalized Care is Like